

hello all!
it is finally here! please head over the loverichly.com to see my latest post of todd and amanda's wedding pictures! all future posts will be made from this blog, so please update your feeds accordingly. all post updates will be made to my website fan page on facebook, Morgan Eve, so be sure to like my page to get the latest news! thank you all so much for your support, and leave me some feedback on the new blog about what you think, and any glitches you notice!



for amanda

because i know she is dying in suspense to see their photos:)

a few other items of note:
my new blog is getting closer and close to completion, at which point i will no longer be posting on this blogger page. you will still be able to subscribe to my new blog, and it will be much easier to navigate and find information on. i am also going to be launching a facebook fan page around the same time, and will be posting pictures there as well for previews and full posts. be sure to like/friend me so that i can tag you in your pictures when they are put up. my facebook profile name will be morgan eve, and i will be updating it when i post on the blog, not my personal facebook page. i cannot tell you all how excited i am to show you all that i have been working on, which has been keeping me from posting consistently, but i promise you it is worth it!
