"i could do that"
i could take pictures....LOVE pictures.
i have always been fascinated by photography. the moments of raw beauty captured on film or memory card. fascinated by the ability of the mind behind the lens to connect to the person in front of their camera and draw out a little bit of their true self. it is beauty to me. i have always played around with cameras. i used to dress my youngest sister up in costumes and make her stand in well lit rooms in our house so i could snap a few shoots of her with my mom's film canon. i had a point and shoot after that, and a good eye. then a canon rebel (more like still a rebel). i look for those moments. and after seeing countless wedding and engagment pictures that made me melt and reading countless blogs of photographers i admire i realized i could be the one behind the lens doing it for real...for a CAREER. i hate that word. it sounds so grown up and final. i could do it for love. i could do it because it is constantly changing as quickly as the couple or individual you shoot. because it is hard work and because i like a challenge. because i want everyone to have a photo of themself that they feel captures their essence and makes them feel beautiful. that is my motivation, that is my goal. i am learning. i have my camera on completely manual mode and am slowly wrapping my mind around the settings and how very important light is. i am realizing that you can do what you love.
another realization tonight:
the freezer food that you never want to eat goes well with leftover canned goods.
result: excellent eclectic tacos...and cottage cheese. how people don't like the stuff, i have no idea.
off to test my new lens on a very hot subject who i also get to sleep next to:)
my good friend lindsay was an excellent model for my sun flare experimentation. thanks linds!
i like love this idea! Can't wait to see all the amazing photos you take.