the past few weeks have been a crazy adventure that i have loved being on. i got to be a part of two amazing weddings and witness so much love, joy, and support at each. it is so beautiful to me how weddings have the same framework, but each is so unique and as different as each couple who shares them. i am so excited about where my life is headed these days, and the people i have gotten to share it with, and the new friends i will be making this year. i am starting an internship with a local okc photographer,
aaron snow, and i couldn't be more stoked for all that i will learn and how i will grow as an artist. i know this may sound weird, but in a way i feel like photography saved me from my ordinary self. i feel like six months ago i was at this spot in my life where i had no direction, and was realizing that i had always been pursuing someone else's goals for me, or following what i thought would make others happy. i had always assumed that music would be my path because i grew up with it and was good at it, but i was learning that it did not fill the passionate creative side of me. i realized that while i thought i was trying so hard to figure out who i was, i was actually just sitting around doing nothing, being mundane. i realized that photos stirred my soul and i wanted to be the one taking them. it is not usually hard for me to find words to describe most things, but two i have a hard time with are how much i love my husband, and how much i love photography as an artform, as a passion, and as a lifestyle. both of these loves move me and consume me, and i am completely smitten. i have so much more to learn and grow and change into who i am becoming, but i am happy with where the journey is taking me. i want to love and live and be able to give people a chance to hold onto those moments and people that mean so much. that is really what matters. and now, a beautiful woman to close with, because she makes my heart smile. it is images like these that i have fallen in love with.
Morgan, I'm so excited for you! Aaron Snow is amazing and you are amazing! Have fun. :)