
sleep and the milk mustache

i have this really bad habit of balling my hands under my chin when i sleep. that may sound cute and cuddly, but it actually just translates to stiff wrists after sleeping that way for a few hours without even realizing it. i always like to have my sides protected by my elbows too. sides feel so vulnerable for some reason. i mean i know they are covered by ribs, but still. i promise i have never been attacked in my sleep, i just have always slept this way. a better habit is one that i picked up since being married (no that's what she said's). evan and i have this habit every night where after we cuddle for a while we both turn our opposite ways. a note about that first. i definitely thought that when i got married i would want to be snuggled up together all night and that it would be wonderful. it is not. after about 5 minutes it gets hot and your arm that is under your "schnookums" (not a name we call each other) starts to cramp, and you realize that you both sleep on opposite sides, so your backs are to each other more often than not. anyway, so after a few minutes of cuddling, we kiss good night and roll our opposite ways, me involuntarily balling my wrists and protecting my sides. and then i lay my foot over his and we kind of nestle our feet together in this little footsie cocoon of sorts. i don't know if this is true for all men, because i haven't played footsie cocoon with anyone else in years i can recall, but the top of evan's feet are surprisingly soft because of wearing socks. socks rub hair off men's feet. it's funny when they wear high socks because of this. too bad jeans have never worked this wonder for women. the bottom of his feet are still all rough and manly of course. i think "man" might even be visible in a callous somewhere on his big toe. there, now hopefully he isn't embarrassed that i am talking about his soft feet. so we foot cuddle, and it is comforting every night to roll over and feel his feet reaching out for mine before we both fall asleep. it is beautiful to share something so simple with someone so loved.

on a completely unrelated note, i am 99.9% sure i am lactose intolerant or have some sort of dairy allergy. the no milk bit i am ok with. the no ice cream unless you want your stomach in knots for the next two hours? not a big fan of. or the cheese bit for the similar reasons.

evan put in a new front door on our apartment this weekend, and did a stellar job. probably where he got that man callous from, i'm guessing. the only downside is that i can no longer stand in front of the old door from about 5 feet away and tell immediately what temperature it is outside. i installed the hardware. i was pretty proud of that. thanks pravin and justin for helping too. i am currently editing photos from our small group's pumpkin patch extravaganza on sunday afternoon, and then on to an engagement shoot this weekend, and a senior shoot the following week! i am trying out some new looks to my photos, so you will have to let me know if you like them or not. and it is totally ok if you don't since i am not sure if i do yet. just trying something different. happy tuesday.


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